California Is Now The “Epicenter” Of The Bird Flu Outbreak

by Vern Evans

California has quickly become the epicenter of the bird flu outbreak. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed twenty human cases of highly atherogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and more are pending, as the agency awaits test results.

Suspected human cases of bird flu continue to be reported in California. So far, six cases have already been confirmed, according to the California Department of Public Health. The state, which is the country’s largest dairy supplier, has become the epicenter of bird flu in cows and has concerned public health experts since the beginning of the outbreak for this reason, according to a report by Salon. 

All the individuals confirmed to have contracted the H5N1 bird flu virus experienced “mild symptoms,” including eye redness or discharge (conjunctivitis), the CDPH stated. None were hospitalized. All of them had contact with infected cattle.

Reports are surfacing that are similar to that of the COVID-19 scamdemic just four years ago. There are now so many dead cattle, that disposal services cannot keep up, and carcasses are lying around waiting to be incinerated.

Bird Flu Is Killing So Many Livestock, Disposal Services Cannot Keep Up

“There are so many cattle passing away from avian influenza that the rendering trucks are backed up, which is why [the cattle] had been left there for a period of time,” Anja Raudabaugh, CEO of Western United Dairies told Newsweek. “We are desperately overwhelmed at this point.”

As of October 11th, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had confirmed infections in 299 herds of cattle across 14 states. Additionally, more than 100 million poultry and 10,000 wild birds have been affected, and the virus has been shown to have the ability to transfer from birds to cows and back again, making it more difficult to contain. Each time the virus transfers it also increases the chances it could mutate in some way that could more easily infect humans, posing a pandemic risk on par with COVID-19. -Salon

It looks like the mainstream media is slowly ginning up the fear while simultaneously telling the slaves not to worry as the risks to humans is “low.” They continue to say this in spite of saying bird flu is also appearing in other countries across the world.

A few days ago, France said the national threat of bird flu increased to “moderate” from “negligible” because it along with several nearby European countries like Germany has reported cases among farm animals. Australia is the only continent that has thus far avoided H5N1 and yesterday invested $96 million in vaccines and increased surveillance in an attempt to keep it that way.

Is Bird Flu The Next Plandemic? Australia Commits $64 Million To “Protect” Against It

This could very well unfold into the next scamdemic, complete with lockdowns and more severe medical tyranny.

Is Bird Flu The Next Plandemic? Australia Commits $64 Million To “Protect” Against It

Unfortunately, if this does somehow become a human pandemic, it could be much worse than COVID ever hoped to be. There could be visible real-world damages and harm done if the rulers decide it. Prepare, just to be safe, if you haven’t.


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