Vermont Anti-Second Amendment Bills DOA

by Vern Evans

In the state of Vermont, March 14 is considered Crossover Day, and despite being the home of Bernie Sanders, this doesn’t mean what you’re thinking, but I can’t blame you for going there. Instead, the name refers to a crossover deadline in the Vermont legislature when bills that fail to advance out of their chamber of origin are considered dead for the remainder of the session. Thanks to the efforts of pro-Second Amendment activists, lawmakers, and organizations like Gun Owners of America (GOA), the National Rifle Association (NRA), and local partners like the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, it seems not a single anti-gun proposal has survived the 2025 deadline. 

Peeling back the layers of this victory, we first turn to H.45, a bill aimed at disarming law-abiding patrons who visit any Vermont establishments that serve alcohol, creating one of those gun-free zones criminals are so fond of. Because who likes unruly victims? FAIL! 

Next, we have H.264, which proposes a safe storage requirement irrespective of whether a crime is committed with an increasing monetary penalty scale per transaction and varying rages prison time if the firearm ends up being used in the commission of a crime. FAIL!

H.368 is another attempt to create soft targets so criminals don’t have to live in fear of those who would defend themselves. This gun-free zone would have banned firearms in government buildings, disarming law-abiding citizens and government employees alike. FAIL!

Here’s one the pinko commies lust after. H.381 sought to ban both new purchases and possession of the most commonly owned semi-automatic firearms available. I feel like this is a “Holy Grail” measure for the left, and I am personally happy to see it as a Democrat’s electroencephalogram. FAIL!

I’m sorry to all those who like to voluntarily place themselves on a government list, but H.383 is also taking the room temperature challenge. The bill aimed to establish a licensing system through the Department of Public Safety so those who wore the mark would be granted access to their Constitutionally enumerated right without being illegally forced to wait 72 hours after purchase. Oh, how thoughtful. FAIL!

When you’re engaged in subversive anti-American behavior, it’s important to include a healthy amount of redundancy in your morning suppository, and that is the purpose of H.392, another criminal protection bill that expands previously mentioned attempts to establish gun-free zones in government buildings to all state-owned buildings and lands. For people who love vulnerability to violent crime, these legislators sure don’t wander far from a guy with a gun when they travel. FAIL!

Lastly, H.418, because who cares about low-income poors, am I right? This abomination intended to implement an 11% excise tax on firearms and ammunition. Let’s tax free speech and voting while we’re at it. I wonder if the same measures on those rights would pass the Democrat sniff test. Taxing a Constitutional right and wilfully trying to price Americans out of their Second Amendment is the lowest of the low. FAIL!

One has to wonder what the left’s obsession is with making Americans vulnerable to violent crime and subjugation. I’m kidding. We all know the agenda and why they try so hard. If you don’t, look up the history of gun control and find out what happens after they take them all away. Thankfully, our Founding Fathers were able to foresee this day because they had the presence of mind to reflect on human nature and the corruption that has accompanied power from the dawn of time. Their careful thought has led us to the standoff we endure today, constantly battling to preserve our rights and values. And while that fight seems tiresome and arduous, just imagine where we’d be if we didn’t have an unknown hundreds of millions of guns in the hands of private citizens and law-abiding Americans. WIN!

Read the full article here

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