Washington Democrats continue to drive the state into an authoritarian dystopia, this time with the House’s recent approval of their newest anti-Second Amendment measure to require a state permit to purchase firearms. Apparently, they didn’t get the memo that the Second Amendment itself is an American’s permit, but perhaps they don’t feel they are part of the country anymore, or maybe they are just rebelling in the seditious totalitarian manner the left excels at. More on that later.
House Bill 1163 is headed to the Washington Senate with the hope of infringing further upon Washingtonian’s Constitutional rights after a nearly four-hour debate into the late night hours of Friday evening and resuming midday on Saturday, March 9. The Democrat majority was able to push the bill through without any Republican votes needed or procured. If the legislation passes into law, residents of whatever country that place has become would be required to apply for and receive a five-year permit before being able to purchase firearms. The process would be administered by the Washington State Patrol, and applicants will be subject to a certified firearms safety program prerequisite within the past five years to be eligible, with exceptions for those considered a higher class of citizens, meaning police officers and active duty military.
For applicants who have completed the safety training and passed the state patrol’s Firearms Background Check Program, the state would have to issue the permit within 30 days or 60 days if the applicant doesn’t have a state ID. Aside from being barred from owning firearms, denials will be issued to individuals on bond awaiting trial or sentencing on felony charges or who are subject to an arrest warrant, which might seem reasonable to Democrats who have forgotten about due process.
Individuals may challenge denied applications in court. However, considering that half of the 3,400 denied applications in 2024 were appealed and two-thirds of those appeals were successful, one has to wonder if the state will be reimbursing court costs for those “mistakenly” denied. I won’t hold my breath on that one.
HB 1163 additionally requires those seeking a concealed carry license to complete similar firearms safety training, but with the level of scrutiny applied to the ability to purchase a firearm in the state, it’s odd that the carry permit would not simply accompany the purchase permit, or vice versa. I’ll chalk this up to the incessant need to collect more licensing fees at the state level.
Supporters of this nonsense argue either disingenuously or by pure ignorance that the measure would make Washington safer.
“We know that this policy works… It will make sure guns don’t get into the wrong hands and diverted into the black market where they could be used in crimes,” said comrade Representative Liz Berry, a Seattle Democrat, and the bill’s blissful sponsor.
Fellow Seattle Democrat and Politburo Representative Darya Farivar spouted on about the requirements ushering in a greater sense of safety in neighborhoods such as Lake City, where gunshots are a nightly occurrence.
“They keep us up. They confine us to our homes as an unofficial curfew… This legislation will lift that unofficial curfew and let us sleep. [This legislation] will ensure that everyone who decides to purchase a firearm understands the capabilities of the machinery. It will ensure people understand that this machinery can rob people of their safety, their freedom, and their lives,” Farivar said, likely even with the straight face only years of propaganda training can muster.
Alright, you smooth-brained mammal-like automatons, listen up. Criminals don’t care about your stupid permit process. By its very nature, only those law-abiding citizens who reluctantly choose to follow your unconstitutional regulations, with a broken spirit and only a memory or an idea of what it feels like to be an American, will actually partake in this corrupt merry-go-round. Meanwhile, nobody hell-bent on violence ever asks for permission, and they certainly don’t apply for a permit. Are you really this dumb, or do you enjoy cutting your constituents off at the knees while giving free rein to those who would cause them harm? I’d call you losers, but you’re worse than that. Treasonous.
Real Americans disagree with HB 1163, offering stern opposition on the Foundational basis that Constitutional rights should not require a permit. While they are 100% correct, I have long been an advocate that conservative states use the exact same tactic, testing whether or not the same regulations would survive judicial scrutiny if applied to the First Amendment, placing restrictions on speech that subverts Constitutional values and authority, or that which is considered “gender-affirming,” perhaps taxing or requiring permits to partake in such conversations publically.
In a revealing note, Republican lawmakers did propose twenty-seven amendments to the bill, twenty-six of which were rejected by Democrats, including a proposed exemption for honorably discharged veterans.
Republican Representative Jim Walsh of Aberdeen says HB 1163 violates Washington’s state constitution, protecting the right to due process, privacy, and access to firearms as a means of self-defense.
“This may be the worst bad bill we’ve seen so far this session,” said Walsh.
Meanwhile, the state patrol estimates a cost of $13.7 million in the state budget to administer the new program, with that amount rising to nearly $20 million in the 2027-29 budget. However, they are confident that the cost of the new permit-to-purchase scam can be offset by the extortion, I mean fees, collected for fingerprinting and background checks. So, let’s put this into perspective. They are going to spend millions of your tax dollars to infringe on your rights only to recoup the money that they spent by stealing more from you in fees to cover it. You can’t make this stuff up. These people are a living abomination on earth.
The legislation serves as the centerpiece of a host of bills aimed at removing gun rights under the guise of curbing criminal gun violence, including legislation to prohibit carrying a gun or any other weapon in a park “where children are likely to be present,” state and local public buildings, and county fairgrounds. Of course, these people don’t want you protecting your children. The more of them they get killed, the more they can push to further disarm law-abiding Americans. Brought to you by the party that encourages late-term abortion and child mutilation. Think about it…
Seriously, is Washington, or any of the states whose footsteps they are following, really still a part of America? I don’t think so, and perhaps residents of these states may want to consider the meaning of taxation without representation, as they are clearly being denied their Constitutional rights, charged for the scraps that remain, and expected to say thank you. Unfortunately, things don’t look that great on the federal side either, where the priority is supposed to be upholding, defending, and guaranteeing American rights enumerated in the Constitution. That being said, perhaps it’s time we all start reflecting on the meaning of taxation without representation.
Read the full article here